The synergy of nutrition and sports: a recipe for success

In the pursuit of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle, the synergy between proper nutrition and regular physical activity plays an integral role.


Combining these two elements not only enhances overall well-being but also paves the way for success in various aspects of life.


The power of nutrition: 

Nutrition is not just about eating; it’s about providing the body with the right elements it needs to function optimally. Essential nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats act as building blocks, supporting the body’s intricate systems.

For instance, antioxidants in colorful fruits and vegetables aid in reducing inflammation and bolstering the immune system. Healthy fats, like those found in nuts and avocados, support brain health and provide sustained energy. Balanced nutrition not only fuels physical endeavors but also promotes mental sharpness and emotional well-being, contributing to overall vitality.


The role of physical activity: 

Engaging in physical activity goes beyond simply burning calories; it’s crucial for physiological and psychological benefits. Regular exercise, whether it’s cardiovascular workouts, strength training, or flexibility exercises, works wonders for the body. It improves cardiovascular health by enhancing heart function and circulation.

Strength training strengthens muscles and bones, fostering resilience against injuries. Moreover, exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. It also boosts cognitive function and enhances concentration, facilitating a sharper mind and increased productivity. The myriad benefits of physical activity extend beyond the gym, contributing to an improved quality of life and overall well-being.

The benefits of combining nutrition and sports extend far beyond the athletic field. Moreover, a healthy diet and active lifestyle contribute to reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, certain cancers, and osteoporosis. Nutrient-rich foods and exercise support the body’s immune system and help in preventing various health conditions. A harmonized diet and regular physical activity synergize, amplifying each other’s advantages.


Harmonizing nutrition and culinary expertise

Our mission at Dito Sama goes beyond mere culinary functionality; it’s a symphony of nutritional harmony and seamless culinary preparation. We firmly believe that optimal nutrition is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. To this end, our commercial kitchen equipment is thoughtfully designed to integrate optimal nutrition with culinary expertise. This synchronization is captured in our motto, “Your Fresh Experience”.



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Embracing Restaurant Trends in 2023

The restaurant industry has always been a dynamic and constantly changing field, shaped by changing customer preferences, economic factors, and societal trends.


In recent years, we’ve witnessed a significant shift in the way restaurants approach their menus and promotions. The focus has shifted towards streamlining menus by reducing “nice to have” items like wine and desserts while emphasizing promotions to attract and retain customers. Let’s explore these restaurant trends and their implications for both diners and restaurateurs. 


Streamlining Menus 

Streamlining menus in the restaurant industry refers to the practice of simplifying and reducing the number of menu items offered to customers. Instead of having extensive menus with a wide variety of dishes and options, restaurants focus on offering a more concise and curated selection of dishes. This approach has gained popularity for several reasons: 

  • Efficiency: A concise menu allows kitchens to operate more efficiently, reducing preparation time and minimizing waste. 
  • Cost Savings: A smaller menu reduces the need for a wide variety of ingredients, cutting down on inventory costs and food waste. 
  • Quality Control: Focusing on a limited selection of dishes enables chefs to perfect their recipes, ensuring consistently high-quality meals. 
  • Speed of Service: Simplifying menus can result in faster service, a crucial factor in today’s fast-paced world. 
  • Adaptability: A concise menu is more adaptable to changes in customer preferences and dietary trends. It’s easier for restaurants to introduce new dishes or modify existing ones to align with evolving tastes. 
  • Staff Efficiency: A simpler menu can lead to greater kitchen efficiency, with staff specializing in specific dishes and streamlining their workflow. This can reduce labor costs and enhance overall productivity. 
  • Marketing Focus: An optimized menu allows restaurants to focus their marketing efforts on a select few signature dishes, promoting them as their specialties. This can help create a stronger brand identity. 


Reducing “Nice to Have” Items 

While wine and desserts have long been restaurant staples, some establishments are scaling back on these “nice to have” items in favor of a more focused dining experience. Here’s why this trend is gaining traction: 

  • Health Consciousness: Many diners are becoming more health-conscious, opting for lighter meals and skipping indulgent desserts and alcoholic beverages. 
  • Cost-Consciousness: Dining out can be expensive, and diners are increasingly looking for affordable options. By reducing pricey items like wine and desserts, restaurants can offer more competitive prices. 
  • Cost savings: Nowadays, customers tend to choose main dishes, making it expensive for restaurants to purchase ingredients that may end up unsold, as consumers try to save money while dining out. 
  • Flexibility: A more streamlined menu allows restaurants to adapt to changing trends and dietary preferences more easily. 


Emphasizing Promotions 

In today’s competitive restaurant landscape, promotions have become a valuable tool for attracting and retaining customers. Here are some key promotional strategies restaurants are employing: 

  • Happy Hours: Offering discounted drinks and appetizers during specific hours can draw in after-work crowds and boost revenue. 
  • Weekly Specials: Featuring rotating weekly specials can create excitement and encourage repeat visits. 
  • Loyalty Programs: Offering discounts, freebies, or exclusive offers can foster customer loyalty
  • Online Ordering Discounts: Restaurants are increasingly promoting their online ordering and delivery services through exclusive discounts and offers available only to customers who order through their websites or apps.
  • Limited-Time Offerings: Creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity, limited-time menu items or promotions, such as seasonal specials or collaborations with local businesses, can drive customer engagement. 
  • Discount Bundles: Offering bundled deals, where customers can get a combination of items at a discounted price, it is a strategy to increase the average check amount and provide perceived value. 
  • Family or Group Deals: Family-friendly and group-oriented promotions, like “Kids Eat Free” nights or group discounts for larger parties, cater to a broader customer base. 
  • Brunch and Breakfast Promotions: Weekend brunch promotions and breakfast deals are becoming more popular as consumers seek diverse dining experiences. 
  • Social Media Contests and Giveaways: Engaging customers on social media through contests and giveaways can boost online presence and encourage customer participation. 
  • Health and Wellness Promotions: As health-consciousness grows, restaurants may offer promotions centered around healthy menu items, such as “Salad Days” or discounts on low-calorie options. 
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Some restaurants promote sustainability by offering discounts to customers who bring their reusable containers or by highlighting eco-friendly menu choices. 


The restaurant industry is ever-evolving, and staying current with trends is essential for success. The shift towards streamlining menus by reducing “nice to have” items like wine and desserts while emphasizing promotions reflects the changing preferences and economic realities of diners and restaurateurs alike. By embracing these trends, restaurants can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and appeal to a broader customer base. 



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Exploring the World of plant-based meat, eggs, and dairy-free milk alternatives

The demand for plant-based and alternative protein sources has surged, leading to a remarkable array of options that cater to diverse dietary preferences and lifestyles.


Let’s explore the exciting world of meat, eggs, and milk alternatives, showcasing the delectable and sustainable options available today.


Plant-Based Meat Alternatives

Plant-based meat alternatives have undergone a tremendous transformation in recent years. Innovations in food science and technology have given rise to delicious, meat-like products that appeal to both vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. Alternative meat products have successfully recreated the taste, texture, and even “bleeding” effect of traditional meat using plant-derived ingredients.

These alternatives are often made from protein-rich sources like soy, pea protein, seitan, and jackfruit, and they contain a fraction of the saturated fats found in animal-based meats. Not only are they environmentally friendly due to lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduced land and water use, but they also offer health benefits by promoting a plant-focused diet.


Egg Substitutes

For those who enjoy baking or need an egg substitute in their savory dishes, various egg alternatives have come to the rescue. Traditional eggs can be replaced with easily accessible plant-based options, such as flaxseed meal, applesauce, mashed bananas, silken tofu, and commercial egg replacers. These substitutes work remarkably well in most recipes and still provide the necessary binding or leavening properties. Plant-based egg alternatives are not only cholesterol-free but also significantly reduce the environmental impact.


Dairy-Free Milk Alternatives

Dairy-free milk alternatives have gained immense popularity in recent years, providing consumers with a wide range of choices to suit their taste preferences and nutritional needs. Common milk alternatives include almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, coconut milk, rice milk, and hemp milk. Each variety offers its unique flavor profile, consistency, and nutrient composition.

These alternatives are often fortified with essential vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamin D, making them suitable replacements for traditional cow’s milk. They are also suitable for people with lactose intolerance or those who follow a vegan lifestyle, reducing their ecological footprint significantly.


Nutritional Benefits and Sustainability

Meat, eggs, and milk alternatives are not only sustainable but also offer numerous health benefits. Plant-based protein sources are typically lower in saturated fats, cholesterol, and calories, while being rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Incorporating these alternatives into one’s diet can help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic health conditions.

From an environmental standpoint, embracing meat, eggs, and milk alternatives can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, water consumption, and animal suffering associated with conventional animal agriculture.

The world of meat, eggs, and milk alternatives is a vibrant and rapidly expanding realm of culinary possibilities. With ongoing advancements in food technology and an increasing focus on sustainability and health, these alternatives have become more accessible, delicious, and nutritious than ever before. Whether you are a committed vegan, a flexitarian, or simply someone seeking to make more environmentally conscious choices, these alternatives offer an enticing and wholesome way to enjoy your favorite dishes without compromising on taste or ethics. So why not embark on this sustainable and flavorful journey today? Your taste buds, your health, and the planet will undoubtedly thank you.



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Eating healthy: what does it mean?

Adopting a healthy diet is important to be fit and take care of your health, throughout your life. But what does that really mean? What does healthy eating mean? Our food for thought.


Bet on plants 

First thing to start eating healthy: put more vegetables on your plates. Nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, cereals (bread, rice, pasta), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, split peas…): do not hesitate to put them on the menu as often as possible. Meat and fish may have a smaller place on the plate. As for fats, in reasonable quantities, and dairy products (2 to 3 per day), they are essential to a balanced diet and can therefore be consumed daily. 


Water, water, water 

To hydrate your body, drinking at least a liter and a half of water a day is important. Water is indeed essential to life: it represents the main constituent of the body. It must therefore be the drink preferred by all. 


Quality food 

A healthy diet is also a diet composed of quality products. No battery chickens or eggs from hens raised in intensive farms. Yes, to poultry and eggs from the farm, if possible local and organic. Also avoid additives and prefer raw products as much as possible. Better a short menu composed of fresh and raw products than an extended menu, prepared with industrial products. In short, yes to simplicity, natural, homemade! 


Balanced meals  

Eating healthy starts with jumping out of bed. Breakfast is indeed an essential meal for the body: it must provide nutrients and satiate until lunch. Ideally, it should consist of dairy, cereals, fruit and a drink to fill up with vitamins, energy and hydration. Lunch and dinner should be composed of vegetables, raw vegetables and fruits, but also starchy foods, dairy products and proteins (meat, fish, egg) to provide a satiety effect. A snack can be taken occasionally, as long as it is reasonable. 


No prohibitions 

Eating healthy finally includes knowing how to treat yourself from time to time. It is therefore important not to ban any food and not to ignore a food category, at the risk of having deficiencies and frustrations. A good chocolate cake, prepared with quality ingredients, has its place on the menu of a healthy cuisine restaurant.  



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How to keep your fresh food longer?

Keeping your food fresh is an art! So what are the tricks to expand their life span? Here are our tips! 


Preserving in the fridge 

A good preservation of fresh food begins as soon as they are put in the fridge. The majority of fruits and vegetables should be placed in the refrigerator, stay cool and well protected from light, in the crisper part of the refrigerator, which offers the best temperature. To ensure freshness and avoid cross-contamination of ingredients use professional Gastronorm (GN) containers made of transparent polycarbonate or vacuum packed bags. But be aware that some foods need to be kept the open air and not in the fridge. This is the case, for example, for apples, apricots, potatoes, onions, or bananas. It is best to leave them at room temperature. 


Vacuum packaging. 

Vacuum packaging has many advantages. It protects fresh food from air and light which prevents it from spoiling, without using any preservatives. The air is removed by vacuuming, this significantly extends the shelf life of food and avoids food waste. Meat, fish, fruits, cooked vegetables, ready meals. Dito Sama offers a complete range of vacuum machines designed to help you preserve your food perfectly and longer. Finally, it should be noted that it is quite possible to freeze a vacuum-packed food. 


Canned food 

Another clever method for preservation is done thought canning. This makes it possible, for example, to buy tomatoes during the summer to enjoy them throughout the winter. Ready meals or vegetables in brine can also be canned. Dehydration is also a good option: apple chips, dehydrated mango strips or dried meat are yours! 


Blast freezing 

Last method to preserve your fruits, vegetables and other small dishes fresh, is by freezing, which is bet for long-term conservation. To preserve the nutritional value of food, the ideal is to cook and then blast freeze food. The golden rule of preservation is to keep your food at a temperature of -18 ° C. To conserve your products, use vacuum packaging or GN plastic containers that are made exactly for this purpose.  Also remember to label each dish by specifying the nature, weight and freezing date to remember accurately what you have prepared! 



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The healthiest cooking methods

Discover the healthiest cooking methods


Adopting healthiest cooking methods is important for health. To choose cooking methods for good health, but also to preserve the planet, follow the guide! 


Fast and gentle cooking  

Not all cooking methods are created equal. So to preserve your health, what are the most appropriate? First thing to know about cooking: a health cooking must respect the nature of the food and cook in the gentlest way possible. For example, avoid cooking too long in the oven, which denatures the food. For a qick cook, you can choose wok cooking, which allows you to sear meat and fish in a few moments and brown vegetables and fruits in a jiffy Another option: opt for raw, rich in vitamins.   


The Art of Steaming  

One of the healthiest cooking methods is steaming. It allows you to cook gently while preserving the benefits of food.  To give flavor to your small steamed dishes, use aromatic herbs or spices. Mint, bay leaf, coriander, curry, paprika, turmeric…  Vegetables or fruits are of course perfect for steaming. This is also the case of fish or meat, which will keep all their softness.


Choose the right materials 

When selecting cooking materials, it is important to opt for healthy options. Consider using glass, which is ideal for cake molds, as well as stainless steel. Terracotta, unglazed cast iron or porcelain are also intriguing choices as they are healthy, sustainable and natural. Scratches on your nonstick pan? There are risks of loss of toxic materials so head to the trash!  Finally, avoid aluminum foil when cooking, which can be toxic to the body, especially when it comes into contact with acidic foods.  


Avoid plastic! 

Cake molds are sometimes made of plastic and other low-end silicones, whose composition and provenance are not always identified. They can contain endocrine disruptors, so it’s important to avoid them, especially when cooking.  



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Locavorism: why focus on local products?

Becoming a locavore: a gesture far from trivial and truly virtuous. Not convinced? The proof in 4 points on the benefits of short circuits!


Local products are more environmentally friendly

When choosing your fruits, vegetables or poultry, bet on local and seasonal products, which require little (if any) transport to reach your cooking pots. Lemon, melon, asparagus, lamb, goat cheese: depending on the region where you are, you will surely find delicious local specialties to put on your menu. Also note that to reduce your ecological footprint, the ideal is to bet on raw products, requiring little or no packaging. An ecological kitchen is indeed above all a kitchen that uses products as they are, naturally and not or little processed.


They are cheaper

Fruits, vegetables and other local products are often less expensive when they have grown or have been produced close to the point of sale. The best is to buy them directly from the producer. This saves on transport costs by truck (or worse by plane), which are automatically passed on to the price per kilo.


They are fresher

Local products did not travel for long hours or days. They are always fresher than those that come from the other side of Europe or the world and therefore tastier. Freshly picked fruits and vegetables are yours!


They support the local economy

Buying local, if possible directly, is finally an excellent way to support local producers and contribute to the valorization of their work as well as a fairer remuneration. By buying products from your region, you become an actor of change, towards a fairer and greener economy. A nice program in perspective.



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Food delivery: a growing trend

350 million meals were delivered in France in 2020 compared to 250 million in 2019*. Deliveroo's IPO in London last year hit the nail on the head: food delivery platforms are on the rise more than ever. A strong trend that should continue to grow in the coming years.


A booming sector

In a context where we have little time to cook on a daily basis, meal delivery has a bright future ahead. Many restaurateurs outsource their delivery system through third-party delivery platforms like Uber Eats, although some set up their own service through their website. According to a survey conducted by Statista, the volume of the online meal delivery market will grow by 6.36% per year on average by 2024 and will represent by this time more than 182 billion dollars worldwide.


Promising niches

In particular, several sectors seem to be able to do well in the coming years, including breakfast, a time of day that represents significant potential, the niche representing only 15% of deliveries per hour. Other interesting niches: the delivery of small high-end dishes. In Paris, Deliveroo has already successfully collaborated with Michelin-starred chefs such as Hélène Darroze and Amandine Chaignot. Uber Eats offers dishes by Marc Veyrat and Anne-Sophie Pic. A real small revolution in the world of luxury. Packed lunches for delivery finally seem to be always successful: Hello Fresh allows, for example, to make meals in about thirty minutes, thanks to the home delivery of a box containing the right amount of ingredients. However, positioning in these sectors remains complicated, as major players are already present on the market.


* Source Statista



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The future of food: what catering will serve in 2035

Decade after decade, food evolved. So, what will be the big changes of tomorrow and what will we put on the plates between now and 2035? Here are some foods for thought, according to a study conducted by Vigie Alimentation


The rise of snacking

The snacking sector has the wind in its sails. And if in France, the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) remain the norm, snacks are gradually imposed, especially in the middle of the day. With teleworking and increasingly frantic rhythms, many are indeed looking for a quick alternative to a real meal, mainly at lunchtime, convenience and speed remaining the key words. Sandwiches, burgers, pizzas and tacos taken on the go have a bright future ahead of them. The healthy version of snacking should also see its offer increase, the trend “food as a medicine” having more than ever the coast.


More natural and vegetal

A good diet for good health: this is a concept which we have not finished talking about. In 2035, it is therefore a safe bet that the trend will be more relevant than ever with an increasingly rich and wide offer of healthy and balanced dishes. Plants will also be in the spotlight, with plant-based products to offer ecological and healthy alternatives to animal proteins. Locavore consumption also continues to rise, as does the personalization of nutrition with the emergence of recommendations and food products that meet particular needs or pathologies.


Towards an increase in deliveries

Food delivery is expected to intensify in the coming years. Getting your food served directly in the office or at home should therefore develop and with this trend, delivery, via drones and autonomous vehicles. The world of delivery could also be associated with the world of subscription, with an offer for customers allowing them to benefit from commercial advantages and new experiences for a subscription.


Source: Food Watch 2022 study



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Fruits and vegetables: why are they good for your health?

You know the saying: to be healthy, it is important to consume 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. But what are their virtues and why is it important to put them on the plates daily? We will enlight you.


They are rich in nutrients

Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins, essential to be in shape, including vitamin C, both anti-infectious and antioxidant. They are also rich in carotenoids, vitamin E, polyphenols and minerals. This is why it is essential to consume it every day, at all ages of life!


They are waterlogged

Fruits and vegetables are also rich in water which, added to drinking water, contributes to a good hydration of the body. Their richness in water also allows them to reduce their caloric amount, making them naturally low in calories.


They contain fiber

Most fruits and vegetables are high in fiber. Fiber is essential for a balanced diet: it promotes good intestinal transit and helps avoid small snacks by increasing satiety. A diet rich in fiber also helps prevent the onset of diabetes and helps control blood sugar by limiting the absorption of sugars by the body. The champions of fibers? Leeks, prunes and celery stalks.


They help maintain a good acid-base balance

Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables help maintain the body’s acid-base balance. Plants are alkaline: they promote the maintenance of the pH of our body at a correct level (ideally between 7 and 7.5) and thus prevent our body from being too acidic load, causing diseases and disorders of the body (chronic joint pain, fatigue, osteoporosis, skin problems …).


The right idea: bet on raw fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are particularly fragile: cooking alters their nutritional quality. To benefit from all the virtues of fruits and vegetables, the ideal is to consume them raw, a large part of the vitamins being destroyed during cooking. For example, you can prepare them grated or minced, in a salad, or in juice. Otherwise, the mildest cooking method is steaming, which best preserves the vitamin potential of fresh vegetables. Quick wok cooking also promotes the preservation of micronutrients.

To enjoy the benefits of plants, it is also recommended to consume them quickly after purchase: air, light or a long a stay in the refrigerator can indeed make them lose some of their vitamins. Finally, preserving fruits and vegetables is important for the preservation of nutrients. Vacuum-packing cut vegetables is a great option.



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